Know The Signs Of Cold Stress Ahead Of Possible -15-Degree Windchills & Subzero Temperatures Expected Next Week

According to the Indiana Weather Network, temperatures are expected to drop below 0 degrees and wind chills across Indiana are expected to possibly plummet below -15 degrees next Monday, Jan. 20 through Wednesday, Jan. 22.

Community members are encouraged to dress warmly in layers, stay dry and avoid wind, limit outdoor exposure and check on loved ones and neighbors who may be at-risk during colder temperatures.

Community members are encouraged to understand the signs of cold stress, including hypothermia and frostbite. Hypothermia symptoms may take form as shivering, confusion, slurred speech, exhaustion and more. Frostbite may manifest in loss of feeling, aching, stiff or waxy affected area and redness or pain in any skin area.

Community members are reminded that frostbite can occur in as little as 20 to 30 minutes when exposed to frigid temperatures.